Questions for a Critic: Derek McCormack

  1. When did your love for art and critique begin?
  2. Where there challenges in finding your voice, how did you settle into the humorous and boldly queer style that you're loved for?
  3. You write a lot about fashion and its impact - and you do this in much deeper ways than the magazine style advice that we often see. Are fashion and art one and the same to you? Are there any differentiations that keep them separate in your eyes or do they blend in more ways than we may expect?
  4. Though you are published in The Globe and Mail, do you find your bold style and openly queer and sexual language have kept you from certain spaces or opportunities in the writing world or in your broader career?
  5. If you could give your twenty year old self some advice in seeing the word around you (especially in art, fashion, and writing) what would you say?


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