What Even...

The Breakdown of Distance: TARWUK, “Conceived for the Stage” at White Cube, Paris
by Max L. Feldman

"As Tremow and Vukšić explain in a 2021 interview with Bob Nickas, TARWUK is not an artistic duo or collaborative pair in the conventional sense. It is, instead, a completely immersive mystical “condition” as well as a “research into selfhood,” which has scientific-sounding implications in which TARWUK itself is their “main work” and all the things they make together are just “tools for investigation.” This involves transcending the boundaries between the individual people that are legally and familiarly known as Bruno Pogačnik Tremow and Ivana Vukšić on the one hand, and the collapse of the distinction between art and life (the stated aim of the artistic avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century) on the other. As a result, TARWUK absorbs the very existence of its two participants, demanding their complete but entirely freely chosen denial of their own individuality so that they can “imagine the unimaginable”."


    It could be that I've been reading critiques for a couple hours now, but I found this text absolutely painful to read. I feel like I should maybe take some kind of hallucinogen before even attempting to read it again. There are so many references and side notes and cliches and abstractions - there is absolutely nothing grounding me as a reader, no sense of organisation or connection to reality. Overall, this passage is just plain incomprehensible in my opinion. I don't get it.


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